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Careful, this creator doesn't like constructive feedback

no wonder


First of all, this is my own indie game, and I've been thinking a lot about the game's future, so thank you for suggesting it. Please don't be blinded by some deliberately hate-mongering rhetoric. He only did this because other players questioned his comments. Yet, he blames it all on me, as if I deliberately set up the people who gave him opposing opinions, so he harbours a grudge against me.


thank you for the clarification. 
i know sometimes most of us would sound ungrateful to the efforts you are doing.. please dont let haters pull you down.  

You seem to be deliberately messing with it. I don't come to this discussion board every day to watch comments, I don't have as much free time as you do. Please don't presume to make wild speculations here, and if you continue with your shenanigans, then I will have to ask you to leave this discussion forum.