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I really enjoy this, it may not have as many choices as i would like it to and i would like to be less of an asshole in the game (but i get why he is like that) but i really enjoy this. It is probably mostly because of Jada. She reminds me of someone i knew once, i wish i could have helped her more. I need good stuff to happen to Jada.

Eh getting nostalgic and sappy because of a ero VN hehehe.


I tried to make mc's actions as understandable as possible, but I rushed some of the early parts of the game and I'm still a bit unhappy with some of them. The update I'm currently working on will have some improvements for the early stages of the game, there will be a few more options regarding Katherine for example.

"Eh getting nostalgic and sappy because of a ero VN hehehe."
I guess I did something right xD

Oh yes You did. Honestly i do not remember last time i had so much fun playing a game and i do not mean a VN but overall. Wish it was at least pay what You want so i could thank You in a monetary fashin hehe.

It is pay what you want, you just don't have to pay anything at all ;)

(1 edit) (+2)

Sorry i guess something bugged for me, now i can pay for it, before it did not give me the option!

Edit: aaaand bought.