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This is so great! Can't wait to see all the artwork of the characters that you can unlock!

Got so many favourites already! Barry, Nick and Roger ;P

Some feedback:

For Keyboard controls, can you change the Escape key to something else?
It automatically cancels the Fullscreen mode when you press it to enter the menu.

Maybe something like X for the menu, C for cancel and V as alternative to enter?

Gameplay wise, if you enter the training room at the end, there is no way to lose to the red demon anymore, as he will always deal 0 damage when you are level 5. Maybe make the training room enemies scale or add a surrender option during battle.

A nice to have: Gallery for all the different demon pictures you unlock during battle (defeat / win), similar to the Peoples tab in the menu.

Thanks for playing the game, and for the feedback!

Fun thing about the keyboard, X already works as Escape and Z works as the Enter key. I will update the documentation so people know this.

There will be a way to lose to lower level demons in the following chapter. It's just not in the current public build.
I'm still debating over adding a monster menu, because the idea is that this is what the training room is for.
If enough people ask for this feature I will see how can I implement it.

Once again, thanks a lot for playing and for the feedback.