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This game really draws you in! I have a huge collection of visual novels I have downloaded and Fujiwara Bittersweet is amazing. I liked Toshio's and Ryu's route the most. I'm wondering if Haru was born male but the feminine appearance was a disguise? Sorry I have a habit of skipping over information.

Thank you for playing and enjoying the game !
Hehe I'm glad you liked Toshio and Ryu the most, it makes me happy ! ~
As for Haru, I don't know if you played the whole route, but... more than a disguise, it's more like a way to feel more secure. Also it seems you are confused about Haru's gender even after playing the route although I thought it was rather clear after finishing the route (> w <)

In any case, thank you again for the kind comment !

Yup it was def my bad habit.