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Okay, level 23 is definitely bugged or something. I can't figure out any way to get the wildebeest out, at all. They can't go through the area on the left with the water shrine, even with the rocks cleared. They also can't go through the upper pass on the right after the boulders are cleared. Do they absolutely have to go through the lower right pass or something?

This level is amazingly frustrating, since only the earthquake shrine on the right side of the level gets unblocked by Relic's quake, and I only get 2 earthquake powers. They apparently need to be used to clear the exact correct 2 passes, and not the water shrine or seed shrine, unless I somehow overlooked some way of getting more earthquakes in this map.


Hey! There might be folks who can help you out in our Discord (we have a support channel you can pop into for help.) I'm interested in knowing if this is a bug you're experiencing or a UX issue that we aren't explaining enough and would love to chat more! Thanks for playing <3
