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As the person below said, controls aren't too good, taking a picture could better fit the E button, since it can be really easy to try to jump with it by instinct, and the buttons bound to 1, 2 and 3 could better fit z, x and c since those are easier to reach (I don't know the other keyboard type you're supporting, so I can't really say how it works).

Similarly to the Space button key binding, the escape key, at least for me, is the menu/pause go to button so I pressed it a few times trying to exit the game, so it might be good to bind it else were close to the wasd (or zqsd for the keyboard that type), and maybe add the ability to exit using the escape key, again it might be more of a peeve of mine, but it's a bit annoying to force close a game.

Another thing I'd like to point out is that the function that checks to see what the picture is focused on can be a bit off at times and also is a bit too aggressive on suggesting that trees are in the picture if slimes are not, even looking directly down will give a tree focused title if you are close enough inland.

Last thing is although it is about taking pictures a jump and some ability to interact with the slimes, maybe a pet action that just makes them stay still and smile for a short bit of time.

I did notice a bit of buggy behaviour when you stand on a slime and it jumps with the screen shaking a lot.

The game really cool looking though, and I hope this feedback helps.