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I can see the potetial in the idea but the game needs some polish. One of the "nests" where you have to drop the ducks was 2/3 outside the screen. When I went over there it teleported me to the other side of the screen but the rest of the nest was not there. At first I though it was a glitch and then I realized that you wrap from one side of the screen to the next. Some indication would be nice. I spent 1 minute trying to figure out why I couldn't place a duck on a nest until I realized that each duck has a specific nest based on color. While I was wondering what was happening the game just eneded without a warning. I guess the foxes one but an alert that they will win would be nice. A way to attack the foxes would also be nice. Some pickups that help you like a speedup, being able to carry more than one duck, having ducks following you, immunity for the ducks, slow down time for foxes, etc would make this game more fun in my opinion.

thanks so much for the feedback.  I was late and only had about 16 hours to work on the game before the jam ended, so it was a bit of a rush and this was my first game jam.  I'll make sure to take your advice in future game jams!