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Heyo, I played your game. Clearly I'm not the target audience for it, but I'll put some notes here.

-Misspelled your game's name on the main menu, lol.

-Weapons seemed pretty fun.

-Sense of scale is incredibly strange. It feels like you're crawling along the ground at high speed with how short your character is and how big your guns are.

-The FoV seems weird. Maybe it's a genre standard but it had this really wierd and offputting fisheye effect

Even with this, you should probably listen to your target audience more than me, though.


That's embarassing, thanks for pointing it out! Scale is a bit weird indeed, it's something I've become aware of recently as well. FoV is really extreme atm, definitely adding a slider and options hud soon so players can adjust it to liking. Thanks for the feedback!