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finished it this time. I really enjoyed the story, I went for the true ending btw. I was almost stuck. When I was on the third floor on the third night, about to talk to gareth for the last time. The door where i was suppose to use the key, kept saying the door knob feels cold, but after entering and exiting the area a few times the door opened. idk how i got it to open. i honestly thought the key didn't open that door. 

Also, on the piano puzzle you can reset the timer by interacting with the piano. When you have the timer ticking away if you interact with any object the timer still ticks down. I think if you add a "\!" to the dialogue for each object it will pause the timer when reading text on the objects in the room.

Hi again, Cicada! Thank you so much for playing the game, I'm glad you liked the story >w<
(And got the true ending first try too)
As for the errors thank you for pointing those out, I'll be back to work to fix them! 
I didn't know the "\!" thing though, it will be useful a lot!

If you hover your mouse above the word text it will show the window in the picture. As you can see there is other options too. That works in MV at least.

Thank you! I didn't know that, it's cool!