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Hi there! This is Aedian. Thank you so much for the awesome comment, it made my day:) 

Mannequin Academy is such an important project for me I'm excited and anxious any time anyone comments on it! I'm really glad people enjoy my writing and drawing style - both are only just developing as I've started around 2 years ago and have a lot of catching up to do.

Out of curiosity, who is your first romance pick?

Thanks again and I hope you'll continue to enjoy the way the story unfolds!:)


Thank you so much for making this awesome game and also taking your time to answer me! I honestly feel very honored to get in touch with you! :)

I'd never guessed that you only started 2 years ago - your artstyle is so beautiful, I am really amazed with it. Like, how you manage to frame emotions and feelings and everything in between is just so nice, and even with the parts you do not draw and you write instead, it's like a movie in my head taking place. Seriously, very great work. first romance to pick was actually a coin flip between Noah and Cami, since I couldn't decide who I should go first - and after annoying my partner with my whining for about half an hour, I threw the coin and it was Noah - followed by Cami next. The good thing is, I love them all so so much, the bad thing is I can't just focuse on one...hah, choices, choices! :)

Again thanks so much for taking your time!! :)

Thank you for taking your time to write a kind comment - it really, really helps my motivation to continue doing what I'm doing!

It's interesting to find out that you were choosing between Noah and Cami, they're so different (but hopefully both charming in their own ways;D).  It warms my heart to read that someone likes the main characters and has a hard time choosing between them. They all mean so much to me.