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This is an absolutely charming little demo/tutorial for a cute horror RPG that's heavily inspired by anime/manga (think Another and Corpse Party) and freeware horror JRPGs (think Ib, Mad Father, and The Witch's House). Definitely check it out if you're into that sort of thing! (^• ω •^)


Comments for devs:

  • Gorgeous art and graphics! I especially like the tutorial art, the cute pixel graphics, and the animanga-inspired facial expressions. Kat's cat face :3  is the best.
  • The puzzles are quite easy, but that's to be expected from a tutorial. The desk puzzle (while easy) was very cute! 
  • I'm the type of person who will interact with every bookshelf, every trash can (lol), etc. Would be cool to have more interesting descriptions or Easter eggs or some kind of reward for looking around thoroughly, but maybe Kat just really dislikes school and finds it all boring and better scene interaction is coming? I wanna know more about the school/environment!
  • I quite like the pacing, music, and sense of immersion (especially the tutorial at the beginning – that was a good way to introduce the game's choice mechanic – and the maze scene). Also, I'm sure people have mentioned how cute and atmospheric the club room music is~
  • Kat's snark ('nuff said). She's awesome c:

Can't wait to find out more about Kat's motivations and play the rest of the game! The new PC also looks interesting. 

Great Comment 👍

Thank you so much for your comments :) They're very helpful! We're working hard on the next part! Hope you'll like it :D