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I've completed your game offline since the start of August and have typed a longass commentary in Notepad of my adventure in real-time as I play, but I have COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN to paste it into the Comments here as I intended to, I'm so sorry!

I was one of the people who saw your game under a thread in twitter and promised to try it, and I'm so very glad I did!!

Here's my adventure;

  • Dante and a game called "Devil-" I see what you did there
  • DANTE GOOD END IS SO GOOD..... ;A; There's a sense of comfort and open-ness in the way the boys communicate. The way Ellis connects his thoughts feels believable and relatable, you have a way with words and makes us feel what he's feeling. The conversations and banters doesn't feel like it's dragging on, which is something I notice a lot in VNs. The way you write them feels natural. It's really charming. It feels really nice. The music makes it chill too. Like I'm playing this while it's raining outside, and god, the relaxation I get from this combination is superb.
  • I think I'm in Adrian route now, and it's fascinating that it sheds light to more of Ellis' past. Like I only just learned he moved just last year :0
  • Adrien's friendship end was so sweet... ;v; How did you manage to write all these complicated things so seamlessly, I'm in awe...
  • Adrien romantic end makes a lot of sense too what with Ellis consistently getting mesmerized by his swings... This is adorable, thank you for this warmth in my heart... ;-;
  • I'm in Chester route now and I appreciate the consistency of the state of Ellis' PSP being broken a month ago, which is something that was mentioned in Adrian's route as well
  • Ellis immediately responding angrily to the possibility of Chester getting bullied is *chefkiss*
  • "Suddenly, you're hit with the urge to protect this small, impressionable kid." Oh, I LIKE this protective Ellis.
  • The arm-wrestling part with Sam from Dante's route returns!
  • That bit about Ellis' dad and him sitting by the phone... Oh, you poor sweet child...
  • Oh no.... Oh no, Chester, oh no.
  • Oh this hug with Chester draws out more emotion from me, because I can personally relate in seeking strength, oof
  • CHESTER GOOD END GET!!! Aaaahhh that was nice...!
  • I snagged the bad end too for the full Gallery so now I feel complete, but my kokoro is brokoro;

THIS ENTIRE THING WAS SO, SO GOOD... I adore your art, your writing, your sense of threading the conversations into something that means a lot  to these characters... It's all so good. I enjoyed After School, and I thank you for making such a great visual novel.


omg tHANK YOU FOR THIS COMMENT!! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I'm so happy to hear your thoughts like this;; I had lots of fun writing these characters! The story went through quite a bit of editing to get all those nitty details in place. Personally I'm not good with dragged out scenes so I wrote the pacing to my preference but glad you liked it! Ellis' backstory was too lengthy to cover in one route so I split it up. I love him a lot so I wanted to write a lot for him...

Honestly, each character was written with a bit of my own heart so I'm glad to hear you were able to resonate with their feelings;; Writing is something I'm still working to improve so this comment really encourages me! Thank you again!!