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Thank you this is exactly the type of feedback I was looking for. This was mainly just a kinda learn how to use unity thing with Brackeys beginner tutorials, and I published it for this exact type of feedback. the difficulty was so that the game took over 5 mins, and cuz I didnt feel like adding more levels on a game like this. But all the feedback will be taken into consideration on my game (a 2d platformer) and as for the pause menu I couldnt find a good tutorial so thanks so much for that. Thank you so much!

hey! glad i helped you, i just saw it was your first game so i decided to throw some tips on your way,

happy developing

thanks dude

(1 edit)

btw if you are working on a 2d platformer heres a jonas tyroller video which explains how to make a better movement script :I

Thanks for that too! I will look at it

ok I decided to use the first two tips. Thanks a lot my game would’ve been so much worse!

again, so glad i could have helped! i really hope you take off because i can see you are very talented.

happy development
