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(1 edit)

Hello! I downloaded the latest Mac build of the game, but it seems like the app needs to be resigned. Let me know if you need more details to repro this error. 


Thank you for letting me know. I found a quick workaround if you are comfortable with it. You can just remove the warning flag in terminal and it'll let you play the game just fine.

Alt (option) + rightclick on the .app and copy path name and then in the terminal:

xattr -cr /Users/dcmacbookpro/Downloads/The_Minds_Eclipse-mac/

Just replace "/Users/dcmacbookpro/Downloads/The_Minds_Eclipse-mac/" with your own pathname!

For reference:

I'll get around to resigning this, I just need to pull up the old source files and re-download xcode *sigh*

Thanks for your quick reply! And no worries, I can play the other builds of the game. :-)