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Sorry, it started out as a crouch and it completely slipped my mind to change the sound after changing it to be a crawl! Nice catch!

That bug sounds freakyyy, I've literally never seen or heard of it before :o I can guess kind of where the bug arises but no idea why lol hopefully it was a one time thing ^^

Thank you for playing our game and for giving it a second chance after it broke!

I was that close to the end, I had to see how it finished! Even if I figured it out much earlier. ;)

Aside from that bug (hopefully it was just my computer having a seizure and not something in the game) it was really good. I certainly enjoyed it.

Still sucks that that bug occured so close to the end! Did you get to try both endings too at some point?
I'm really happy to hear that you enjoyed the game, thank you so much ^^