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Hi Bartr!

Are you playing on windows? Might be a weird bug in this old version. Normally, when you have enough coins (shown on the green tile), you can buy the stuff in the shop by clicking one of the action buttons.

Unfortunately, I don't know if I still have the old build here somewhere to fix this issue (new build will be a complete remake).


I'll await the complete remake :) Hope that will be available in this page!

With "buy the stuff in the shop by clicking one of the action buttons" clicking you mean pressing Enter, right? There's no mouse cursor in the game.

Good luck with development, Bart

Hi Bartr!

It will be available on, but I'm not sure when I'll have the time to work on it.
Just tested the old build on windows 10, and it's spacebar to "buy" stuff when you have enough money.