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I feel that this game would have worked better in a longer format (which obviously wasn't what this game jam was but regardless), and I think for the amount of effort that was put into the combat, which was a lot deeper than I had any hope of exploring with such a short game time, you would be missing an opportunity if you don't go back and work on this game some more to make it longer and more detailed.

The books in the beginning tell you all sorts of information about the combat that I never used seeing as I just spammed one attack till everything died... and so I defeated the point of having a detailed combat system.

But other than the gameplay, I liked the general direction of the story, even if it was a little thin and could also do with being lengthened now that the game jam is over. I'm also a sucker for Biblical stuff for some reason, and so all the references just happened to be right up my alley.