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Hey Ghost 0001 thanks for that constructive feedback. I appreciate you taking the time to check out this project. I hope I didn't scare you to much. :)

I'm sure your capable of creating a game much like this maybe even better, there are tons of resources online that could help you get started without any coding experience. 

I like your suggestions and I will for sure be keeping them in mind the next time I decide to do another game genre like this. Thanks again for checking this out!

(1 edit)

I'm actually better off developing music through music studio programs and messing around with my piano than I am learning a game developing program. I tried different ones like Unity or Unreal and all I was able to do is build a wall (no racial intent) or raise up the terrain to make mountains appear. Aside from that, I was completely lost. It's okay though, game development wasn't for me so it seems.