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Hm, I'm not sure why it's doing that. I just checked and it seems like ti will let me download fine. Is it like a error? Or is it just not allowing you to click the download link?

It just gave a blank page for some reason, might be my AV that's blocking it if it happens to direct to an .exe file to be honest.

I tried the MAC and Linux version and those downloaded just fine.

Weird... I'm gonna check on this and try and re-upload the files. Might mean no download links for a bit because Itch is having DL issues I think

I tried re-uploading! Please tell me if it works!

That might be related or not, but the .exe file of the window versions gets blocked as infected by the Tiggre!rfn trojan by the default win 10 defender. Would not know how to fix that myself, though.

Yup, I'm having the same problem, all the antivirus software I have is pinging it as malware...

I see! I think this is something you have to work for your security like change the program so it’s seen as a trusted file... it differs for each computer, but I’m sure if you look it up you can find how to do it! But I’ll also tell the person who helped me code this game as well! Hope this helps! 

Okay, thank you! Your looks very promising, so I really want to try it out ><

+1 same issue