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Your project looks mighty interesting, dude! Going to try it just now, but it already seems super cool. Could I get the plugin list, out of curiosity, or nah? Because some of that stuff seems super cool to do on other projects


Commenting back, after I tried it. Game seems pretty good, tried about 20-30 minutes of it, while I was doing other things. More than reminiscent of Minecraft, it seems more like Age of Empires to me, or civ, but still, pretty fun! Maybe you could go for a more minecraft feel, if you added some of the Roguelike plugins to randomize maps, and changed the FOW to totally black. 

Still, if you wanna keep on this route, this game could make a actually pretty good standalone game, if you add more maps, and give all of them a small objective. It can be pretty good, as it's already amazing!

Not a judge, but in my heart it won the "Don't make fire emblem" jam


Thanks for your interest. I'll list off the plugins used as there weren't a huge number of them. They are:

  • Global Unit Events by Markyjoe1990
  • List Selection Event Commands by Markyjoe1990
  • Name Entry by Markyjoe1990
  • Held Weapon Guard by Lady Rena
  • Fog of War by Goinza and Lady Rena
  • GBA Battle Formula by Goinza
  • RNG Settings by Goinza (I think)
  • Diseases by piketrcechillas
  • Stacked Status by piketrcechillas
  • GBA Animation Style by Fluffy
  • 2 Line Skill Display by Fluffy
  • Durability Display by Fluffy

And I made a few plugins myself to mess with stuff that I needed messing with.