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Pros and cons are down below) Check out the game here (the 2d game is the there):


1. The game has lots of scares and I love that some of them can actually be missed out (makes the player investigate the place meticulously). 

2. The ending is cool! I love that there is something more to the game than going from one jumpscare to another!


1. Well, jumpscares are powerful but cheap. I think it would be cool to see the game building tension and suspense! Moreover, loud sounds is not the only tool, the scare with a guy sitting at the table near the note was the most powerful of them all (but sadly my vid lagged right at that moment). I wish to see more subtle scares like that one!

2. The girl standing in the woods - creepy but awkward. It's awkward that you can come to her and run around a couple of times. Very strange. It'd be cooler if she'd move or would not allow the player to come closer.


The game is fun! Personally, I just don't like jumpscares that's why I whine a lot about it ahah. But the game is scary, so it does its job) Yet, for me it's 4/5 because there is still room for improvement.

Hope my feedback was useful!


Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I pretty much agree. I'm not a fan of jumpscares either, so it's good to hear that the less obvious scares were more impactful. Definitely gonna try a more suspenseful atmosphere in the future!

I can't wait! Will definitely check out your future projects!