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I have to say I massively enjoyed this demo. Mixing a standard visual novel style with action sequences, solid puzzle-solving and a slew of Sherlock Holmes-esque sleuthing really works a treat!

Toss a bunch of great characters and some gorgeous background art into the mix and you've got a winner!

There were a couple of small issues, one involved a save point not restoring me to where I was properly (I was meant to be outside in the rain but was still inside the eponymous Villa when I loaded up), and I had to restart the game, but that was the only game-breaking bug I ran into.

The translation was a bit off at times, but I always appreciate the effort that devs put into getting their work translated into other languages, and on the whole the dialogue was well put-together enough to follow (and any times I noticed anything a bit off the mark I make sure to mention it... and I never intend to offend or be a jerk when I do that, it's the English Studies student in me coming to the surface!)

So yeah, this demo was great, absolutely criminal that nobody else has left a review here to be honest! I noticed that the full version of the game is lurking around on Steam, so I'll be making sure to snap a copy of that up soon so I can see where the story goes from here!