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(1 edit) (+1)

Hey I'm new here, but here's how to get lots of Dcoins in a long grind if you don't have Version 1.15.0.

1. Head to language level in puss mode.

2. head straight to the A rooms. (turn left from elevator hall, then head straight to from the 3 paths, you will find about 7 doors once your there with each door being a tiny white room)

3. In the 5th door to the left, you will find 3 Dcoins.

4. Rinse and repeat.

The amount you get at the end of your grind will depend on how fast the level loads for you and how fast you do the process, so for everyone it will vary. For me I estimate that i got 100 coins every 15-20 minutes doing this process. For some it will be faster and for some it will be slower. Have fun being board.

P.S. I know That FireyDeath4 had posted V 1.15.0, but it doesn't work for me and i lose my belt data so all my artifacts are gone

I didn't need to say it at the time because he reset his save data, but I guess I should mention that any extra save parameters included in future updates disappear in previous ones, obviously

So back up your save files before you delve into older versions if you don't want to lose portions of them

It's weird how save files work like that sometimes, and what i also mean by the 1.15.0, i didn't see an sort of negative value item in the store as well. maybe it's just me going crazy, IDK.

Great strategy! Thanks for sharing.

you can also hack the save files, im trying to do that now but i can't read code