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if you won't update the game past the jam version then don't read this

i love the aesthetic, the outline effect, the concept of having to time your movements to your reload 

but it would be so much better if you added an fov slider and a mouse sensitivity slider, without it it's too annoying to aim

also you could choose your own starting dificulty, that way if you're good at the game you dont get bored so easily and you can jump right into the action

the sliding function doesnt really add anything to the game, you could make a wall that you could only slide through to make it feel like you need to use it to escape the enemies

the game crashes too much, i know that it's hard to fix crashes but it's way too much to have an enjoyable experience. it also seems to crash before the 2-3 minute mark

its too hard to get new weapons, at the time of writing this i only got to enjoy the base pistol, i almost got to use the shotgun, but the game crashed

the sounds arent enjoyable, the guns shouldn't sound like you tapped a pen agaisnt glass, it should sound heavy, right now you dont get any enjoyment from firing them

in terms of bugs/glitches i haven't found any, in part because of the short run time caused by crashes

great game, too many crashes, still love it, 6/10


That's the first time I ever heard about crashes in any of my games, I have really no idea what could be causing them. And yes, I will update the game after the jam with all the feedback I've gotten, including yours. Thank you