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Sho: silly. I an tell what nation you are from your eyes. And those blue eyes. Definitely a water nation.

Lei: oh. Will you stop pestering her? Come in have some tea. It's already in the brewing so it won't be a trouble at all.

*you enter to a couch and table in the center of the room and a kitchen wherever you want it to be in the room and some stairs leading to 3 rooms*

Lei: you can sleep wherever you want.

Me: eyes are just a genetic mutation......most people from the Water Nation have brown surprised you didnt know what considering how intriuged you seem to be

(im actualy not, i took a test, ye shall find out what i am soon enough)

Me: ill just sleep on the couch thanks!.....if thats okay with you, that is

Sho; hm. I could have sworn that traveler said that.

Lei: of cours just have a seat and Eri will be right here with the tea.

Me: *sits down carefully, still not trusting anyone*

(i mean how could you when the element you bend is..........nope not saying it)

(thats definately not foreshadowing)

* a girl walks out of the kitchen with tea* *she places the tea and 4 cups onto the table then she and her sisters sit down*

Me: *omfg it looks like the Avatar*

Me: so uh.....who are you Miss, or Mx (Non-Binary thingy to adress ppl like dat)

Eri: I don't give information to anybody I don't trust.*stands up* Just because we let you in. Doesn't mean you and I are best friends. Got it.

Lei: Eri! As the oldest I am in charge now and you are going to sit right back down and while this kind woman is here you will remember your manners.

Eri: *sits down*

Me: *your finger twitches without you allowing it to*

Me: s-sorry

Eri: she's a bender!*stands up* What scam are you trying to pull!


Eri; UGH! *she takes her tea and goes upstairs into one of the rooms*

Lei: I'm sorry about Eri. She's very... well you know.

Sho: mhm. 

(sorry i was gone most of the day)

Me: im not trying to pll any scams ma'am.......well...well uh *i/she am/is not very scared and on the verge of tears*

did you get this?