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Feedbacks necessary at this stage of the game. I don't have a team to bounce stuff off of, it's just me and the kid who is pretty amazed at everything. We're all just doing our best in these jams to make an idea. I had some issues around day 4 with the pixel art until I implemented a few lines of code as Renpy doesn't work well with pixel art since it actually renders 3 screens (window, fullscreen and default). It kept coming out blurry until that happened. Next game I'll definitely look at a different button layout not just because of your suggestion, but I made the framework to be more flexible so I can change things around in the future. 

This one worked and looked ok so I was content, but it really was a now let's move on kind of situation.

Again, thanks for the feedback as it helps me figure out where I need to improve. One of these days I want to get good enough to write the games I want to write (instead of working off meta concepts for these game jams). The only way I do that is by teaching myself new things and tackling new challenges so every bit of feedback really helps me figure out where the flaws are. Like I said, I had a help file that was supposed to be in there that I forgot about until you told me.