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(1 edit)

Thanks for your input there, you make a good point! Different drafts of the script have gone back and forth on how prominent profanity is and whether or not it's censored. The working idea was to try and implement a toggleable censor in the options, and in the meantime it was just half-censored.

Ultimately since it's really a rather dark game with some pretty heavy themes and graphic moments throughout, it's possible we'll leave the censoring out as it doesn't make a ton of sense. That said, profanity might also be toned down for the most part (with the exception of one later party member with a sailor's mouth, hehe) just because it can be a tempting crutch to fall back on when you've got nowhere else to go.

In my opinion, if you're conscious of it being a common writing crutch, then you're likely to make good decisions :)

Sometimes made-up futuristic space-swears can work well too, but it's easy to end up picking stuff that sounds comical rather than emphatic.