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Hi Doxuz!

Wow, I can't believe you make youtube video for Bermuda :'D I mean, already? and you're a guy! *criesinhappiness* -no offence but not many guys play my VNs since they're otome :'D thank you so much for giving your effort into this video! *hugs*

dan makasiih! sy masi blm seberapa & msi bnyk yg bs d improve tp sy psti akn trus berjuang biar bs lbh bgus lg >< stay tuned sm update"ny d Indiegogo & hope to see you again!



Lol yeaaahh Im a guy but i do enjoy this type of games too :D Gonna upload part 2 very soon so stay tuned!

Wahh semangat yaa! Saya doakan yang terbaik :)