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This looks amazing!  Is there any way to download / purchase Holocraft?   I'd LOVE to play around with it!


(1 edit)

Hi, apologies for the delay in reply. I'm not currently offering Holocraft for sale to the public yet as it is destined to become a facet of a final CAD/CAM package for DIY hobby CNCer's. If someone only wants Holocraft then that's the only 'option' they are charged for (along with the base CAD/CAM program fee). There will be a variety of optional features users can pay for, so they're not forced to shell out a few hundred bucks just for 1 or 2 features that they might use in existing programs.

You can buy Holocraft now, but its development, documentation, and support are low-priority for the moment. It has been released purely to satisfy the curiosity of the most courageous. Thanks for your interest.


What if I hire you in order to develop this further?

Best regards,

Dan Lieberman