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Very nice!  It looks great, but for me the controls were a bit frustrating.  Maybe the lack of audio feedback when running/jumping had something to do with it.  Also, pushing S to slide then W to jump is pretty nearly impossible :)  Space worked for jumping and that was better.  

Also, I thing checkpoints after each room would be helpful, as they are quite challenging.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hmmm, alright, I Guess Ill Change The Tutorial To Say Space To Jump, but I figure that I will still need to add more audio feedback. Thanks for playing.

EDIT: Also - You Slide For Longer Than Just While You Press S - Most Jumps Can Be Made With That Extra Slide Time

Okay, I see you don't have to hold S.  It is a challenging mechanic that I guess I am not used to.  I am used to holding D or A and space, but not S :)  No muscle memory for that!