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le child: what are you doing to her?!?!

scientist 1: honestly? i dont actualy know, *sigh* no one tells me ANYTHING around here, they just told me to kidnap you actualy.....sorry about tht, by the way

le child: ugh! Will you at least let me go to her?

scientist 1: ......not to be rude or anything, but you cant walk, cant you, shes right there.......oh my god! im so sorry! did that sound rude?

le child: wow you're such a joker aren't you. *sits in the glass box annoyed*

also this is what she looks like:

now why would you be so sarcastic to a harmless sad bean?

scientist 1: jeez im sorry......*she looks as if shes about to cry* look none of this was my idea, and im working everyones shift today becuase theyre all out going to a Rave or whatever and none of this was my idea and honestly i cant stand you being hurt like this and i know i dont even know you and my boss already cut my pay to 10 bucks a week so please just be a good kid

le child: *puts head down into her legs and you can't see her fa anymore* Fine. I'll shut up if that's what you want.

scientist 1:.......please kid? what i mean is dont scream or anything, and answer our questions......please?

*what does she mean our?  its only her in the room*

le child: sure.

scientist: kay thanks kid!......also, f*ck it i can put off the questions for a few boss would get mad!