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(Yeah but yknow,followers and friends)
*To mess with the wolf,she hops to the other side and giggles


*the wolf looks down, having tons of expierince with the millions of Bon-bons, Minireenas and Bidybabs*

" oh, hi there little guy!" she says, with a big, toothy grin that reminds you all to much of Ft. Freddy spread across her face

(What she looks like)

*The lil ballerina bunny looks up and waves* "You must be some other freakshow here...Heh,we're all freakshows here"


she seems a bit offended, but hides it with that creepy, toothy grin " eh, not ALL of us are freakshows exactly!!!" she says this with a overdose of oviousy fake hope, and a tinge of saddness

"We all are....face it,no one wants this circus no more. We're all left in darkness,But Mama keeps the light burning with happy performances and songs" *She twirls happily*

the lights in her eyes flicker out, and she glitches to a full-on Twisted animatronic " true....hah, thats cute, you still think this was a circus.....or youre one of the newer models, either or.....and, did you say Mama? do you mean Ballora, sweetheart?"

"I'm a Circustime Model! And Aunt Ballora is my Auntie! Mama is Circustime Jinx! The ring leader of the circustimes...which there are only two circustimes...." *The bunny looks down sadly*

", what exactly do you mean by Auntie? like, thats just what you were programmed to say or...?" you see her eyes flicker back to life, and shes full Funtime now "and i hope Master doesnt know youre in my room....she doesnt let me have company, she might get mad"

"We're programmed to say that....and we know we're programmed bc Circus Baby taught me...." *Twirls as she poses happily to match the mask* "Your master won't know since I'm tiny and I snuck through a tiny crack!"

"well, all of us were made with i bit of free will and sentience anyways, being made of human souls and all that garbage" she says, with a tinge of hatred in her voice. "oh, so you know Master, dont get it, she sees everything, theres nowhere to hide from her, she already knows I kKkKkKKkNnNNnN" she starts to glitch, and gets shocked

a new, softer voice says " hello little one, tell me.....why would you go near such a Big, Scary Wolf? why did you stray so far from home?"