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Very nice little game. I completed all the levels, and I have some notes for you. First, the music is not looping (I think), but I don't know if it was intended. Second, it took some time to figure out controls. I didn't know I could jump with Spacebar (because I tried "W" first), and the same goes with "R" to restart the level. Maybe some control manual or tutorial level would be great. Additionally, sometimes the boxes/ball didn't go back in time, even though I shot it. And lastly, try to compress the download file into a .zip file, because not everybody has .rar (just a recommendation).

But overall interesting game and fun mechanic. Graphics were good, given the short period of time we had. Would be interesting to see a bigger game with this concept :) Well done! Rated!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for played. I added the music in last 15 minutes before submisson end so I didn't test the music in game (my bad).  I am not adding a little tutorial in game, glad  you managed to figured out the control and completed the game. And the rewind things I want to added little effect to figured is rewinding but due to time I couln't make it. Thats why some object shot not rewinding actually rewinding. 

Really thanks for the feedback I will make the post jam version of the game. it was fun and stressful in 1 week game :D

Yeah, it is stressful, but also fun, right? May I ask, is it your first game jam?


No, this is my second jam. But it more challanged and fun  than my first one because of the rewind theme and shorter time.