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shore. Btw here's what happens on the footage.

*the camera detected motion an hour before midnight and it cought a girl just walking around and being wierd. She seemed off but you couldn't put your finger on it. You couldn't make out what she looked like. After an hour she walks away and it's finally midnight. 2 or 3 mins in the nightcrawlers start to come then they go away and the camera stops recording after a while*

Me: *mubling to myself* i frickin knew it

*you bring the camera footage to the beginning and stop it on the girl. You want to see who or rather what she is.*

Me: *in meh brain: kay, now msytery number 2: who was Random Girl*

*yes, untill i figure out her name im calling her Random Girl*

(uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh she don't have a name. :^)

(k den you have as much time as you need to think of one)

Me: *le rewinds the footage a bit*

*random girl runs around in circles for a while.*

Me: what tf? man if this chick is doing some sorta voodoo or demon shit then this just proves that i need to pack my things

*random girl started at the camera before runing off in another direction and disappearing*

Me: gonna track donw Random Girl (because plot)

Me: *uploads dis to her phone and tries Google Image Search becuase that always works in horror movies and stuff*