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Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here (the game is the 3d there):


1. The game managed to create an eerie sense of tension. That is so cool!

2. TI had different suspicions but I didn't expect the ending at all! Very cool!

3. The ambiance is nicely done! The environment also tells a little story. Such details as unmade beds except for one or that no children is to be seen... I liked that a lot!


1. The way the nun teleports between rooms is very strange. If the point is that they wouldn't turn their back on the main character, wouldn't it be even more creepier if they would move backwards through the doors maintaining eye contact?

2. Maybe a little bit more lore would benefit the game. There are lots of unanswered questions at the moment.


The game is very cool! I can see this becoming a full game with interesting lore and lots of spooks! I would really like that! As is, I would actually rate the game 5/5. It's pretty polished and feels like a short finished story.

Hope my feedback was useful!