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Fantastic work. This game is as frightening as it is fun to play. It took a bit understanding the mechanics but that grew organically just like the things going arouind the house are. You made frightening entities move around on their own accord doing things that almost seem pestering...just to get to your children, seemingly ambushing you as well. As you are adding fixes, consider adding this to steam, this is worthy of a release, there's an incredible amount of gameplay here, and the buildup of mechanics so naturally is something I haven't seen in a while.

Eagerly awaiting your next project.

Hey, thanks for your comment! It's awesome to see that people are enjoying playing this as much as I enjoyed making it. The game went through many iterations and experiments, and I'm happy with the end result.
Going to steam is definitely the next thing on my checklist, I think I'll also do one more bug fix update here on itch.