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What exactly strikes you as off? The complaints we had about Diego's sprite were his belly seeming "pregnant-like" and his neck being too long, both of which were tackled in the updated sprite present in the latest builds. 

It seems I made an oopsie! I think my game was bugged. I reinstalled this version and now his sprite looks more like the ones in the in the released images. His head was previously tilted back making it seem like he was constantly trying to look up. I would send a photo... but I didn't think to take one at the time, and it's fixed now. I guess I just also misinterpreted that previous comment and tried to force some dots to connect that didn't actually exist, haha whoops. Sorry bout that.

I disregarded the idea of it being a file problem at the time because I had installed the 0.10 version originally, and his sprite was that same way even after getting the 0.11 build installed too, but I dunno. My computer might be messed up since it's kinda dated and screwed with a few things? Anyway, the problem is fixed now.

That's good to hear, we were worried for a minute there! There was a quick fix to his sprite in 0.10.1 which lowered his head position a bit, but the sprite was properly overhauled in the latest version. Glad it's working now!