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Sorry for the delay in responding to this comment, things have been hectic but I am working on a large patch now.

The NW.js error is certainly an interesting one, im not entirely sure what might be going wrong there outside of something with the RPG Maker engine itself... I will definitely have to do some reading up to try to get to the bottom of this one.

As for your other bugs.

Cordibiceps will always move on if he defeats you in battle so thats not so much a bug as a deliberate piece of story telling. I dont think its something many people will encounter but I thought it would make more sense narratively than having him hang around waiting to be defeated.

The typo has been fixed now! There were quite a few of them throughout the game so hopefully this patch clears most of them up.

I hope you enjoyed my game! Thanks for playing! :D

Thanks for the reply! I finally beat the game by cheesing those end-game bosses with toxicity damage, but the game is overall very solid and the supplies are fair. Congrats on a very successful game! Here's hoping there'd be more games in the future.