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Day 2 

Artist Created:

-New Backgrounds 


And also background for past (I show you in next day devlog)

-new decorations and animations;

its our home)

I created

-Dialogue System and some UI

-Assembled from all parts one background

-Now spaceships moving

And Demo of game for Devlog!

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I know you too)

I see that you joined too and chating in the discord)

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Good Luck in jam! 

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Hello. Now you can rate my game.


That's awesome! I love parallax scrolling! I look forward to trying it :)

Thank you :)

Now you can rate the game


Nice Work! I like how you've created the environment, everything feels so lively with the parallax background and moving ships. Can't wait to see what else you have in store.


Thank you 

Hello! Now you can rate this game.