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uhhh ok

I choose creepypasta

I'll just make one on spot -w-

Can it be a zalgoid?


yus gud choice


as long as you ACTUALY know what a Zalgiod is and all that

sorry my grandma makin me do stuffs

Mr. Zalgoid be demon boi  (basicly ._.)

And the children's be half demons (also basicly)

ish k



ok thats like a baisic understanding

so like as long as you have read one of le Zalgiods cp stories than we gud

and btw in case you dont kno Zalgiod or Giodo are le terms for Zalgos kids


kay :>

I made mah dude

Her hair be matted-

Does you wants to start or me start?

mes start

also cewl

Para: (on a mission to gather up the last CPs left on Earth be4 they le jion Zalgo and beh evil*

Para: *le investigating wherever yew r*

???: -sitting in an allyway- -drawing in the ground with a stick- -she seems to have noticed you but assumed you were just walking by and ignored you-

Okey 👌

Para: *taps the wall of an apartment building to get your atention*

also wht Para looks like:

(pic made by Niki)


???: hello . . . ?

srry didnt get this

Para: hey kid

Para: whats your name?

you alive?