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Wow! Count me in as well! When do you think this will be released? 'Cause it's been radio silence since this post,  bar updates for bug fixes for Disorient, so is  The Old Gods Are Dead still a thing? Just asking! Thanks in advance

The Old Gods Are Dead is still a thing, but we need appropriate funding and publishing to develop it. So, since that post, it's entered a kind-of standby, and we've spent much of the intervening time working on a follow-up murder mystery game. 2000:1: A Space Felony will be available in a few weeks, not quite for free and not through (yet). I would reveal where, but I'm unsure our hosts are ready to announce just yet. Follow us on Twitter, if you can, I certainly won't be quiet about its release (@GaryJKings, @NIPresents). This game is our most ambitious work yet (made it with my team this time, rather than alone), so I hope you get a chance to check it out. Here's an outdated trailer, as I'm still a week away from making a new one: