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It's ok, once you'll reach the "All Clear" state for a save game, you could always backup the "save" file in the "Data" Directory.

About your slowdown, did you try to use the /MIS1 solution in the troubleshooting section and run the game from a shortcut?

i will do that, i finished the game with amy but didn't collect emeralds, when i tried to replay to collect the emeralds i made that mistake, and now i'm playing with her again, but will take a while, and actually found a funny bug in the previous run:

sorry for the low quality, i take the picture with my phone to send it to whatsapp, i was fighting eggman but i used the hammer to late so he hit me and while falling back, tails grabbed me, resulting in that, tails is froze there and i can move like it should while grabbed by tails, the bug fixed when i jump

and about the slowdown, is random now, when i opened the game today, it was almost without slowdown, since the moment i extract the new version i add the "/MIS1", sometimes work and other times don't, i feel it's my pc

(2 edits), this bug is interesting! Thank you for reporting!

EDIT: It was an issue with the Hurt flag. Tails should not grab you when you're hurt. It will be patched in 1.15.