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I appreciate the detailed explanation of what you meant! I had misunderstood and thought the problem was not being able to have bad conclusions happen. In that case, I would say Our Life does have those types choices that you're talking about. Not all the time, but not never either. If you play the game once you won't have seen all there is to see. The game requires multiple playthroughs to get all the content is has. It's not only aesthetic tweaks, though there are many of those too.

It's just in Our Life the impacts you control are based on the MC's and love interest's developed personalities, relationships, interests, and chosen activities, rather than plotlines. Such as choosing between getting a scene where you call a friend at home vs. getting a scene where you hang out at the beach, or choosing to tell the neighbor boy about his dad paying you to be his friend vs. keeping that a secret, or whether you have a crush on him vs. just thinking of him as a friend, or if you decide to panic and get frantic vs. simply remaining calm after losing something important, etc. All those have long changes on what you end up seeing and you'd have to play again, making different choices, to see the other side. And there are multiple ending scenes, but those are also based on the relationships and interests.

With that said, I'm not trying to change your mind about playing the game. I just wanted to answer your comment with what you had originally been talking about. I know that not everyone has fun with ways OL can be changed, that's understandable. Thank you for commenting!