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Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here (the game is the 1st there) and sub):


1. The scares are paced impeccably! I didn't expect any of this. Such a strong short horror experience.

2. The concept of finding symbols was simple but it has done a great job at navigating player through scares.


1. The experience was very short. When I see a game that good, I would like it to last a bit longer. I can't wait for another horror games from Elisha!

2. It's a pity you don't get to see your body at all. Feels like the main character is a ghost themselves.

Overall: This game is marvelously designed! I enjoyed that a lot and I kinda glad that the main character was in the bathroom stall already cuz they definitely shit themselves! 5/5!

Hope my feedback was useful!