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Honestly, was an impressive. It was amazing to see how you crated a very dark and sinister atmosphere just by the environment and also through the documents you find outside. As I said in my video, it is very SCP-like (not sure if you were inspired by them or not) and you've managed to make it very, very spooky!

The wintery and bleak environment of the outside added to the overall tension of the game and the story and it increased as you found bits and pieces of clues as you explore more and go deeper into the game. The blood spots on the outside were very ominous and well done adding to the danger of the monster. 

The facility itself was REALLY well done and loved exploring it. The documents makes the player curious and want to explore more and go down deeper and the environment was fantastic. The locked doors made it so that navigation was required and the notes were really interesting to read. The monster at the end was pretty scary too and I got scared though I could not see it properly, so that was well done. The howl when you reach the end sets the scare and climax of the game and was done well.

Overall it was a great game and the only suggestions I would give you is to make more. I was really engrossed into the monster, the facility and what happened to everyone there and to the person you are trying to find and also the other guy she went with. It was all very interesting and would love to experience more of it. 

And also maybe tell the player that there was a flashlight feature. I just read in the comments that there was a flashlight and I didn't know about that.

But yeah, was honestly a really great game and would love to see more! Good luck on updates, and future projects and take care!