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I've decided to dive into Bolt Visual Scripting now that it's free on Unity! As part of my documentation efforts, I am creating micro-tutorials (which also serve as documentation for my code) on my website

This site will also serve as my portfolio in the future for employment, and for referencing where you will find demo's/my games once they are completed!

I hope some of these tutorials will be useful if you also happen to get into Bolt as a game developer; many of these are ones I'm encountering immediately, like how to setup an interface between C# Scripts and Bolt Variables.

For players, this is a way I can show that I am making progress even when it's code-based and difficult to visualize. :)

Bolt has felt like a wonderful way for me to visualize code and organize my project. I'm a very visual person, so scripting has always been difficult for me. You can find Bolt here for free if you want to try it out too.