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I just wanna say that I loved Aloners and when I heard of the development of a new game, I waited y e a r s for all of the paths to be released. However, since the news of it being abandoned, I went ahead and purchased Bahadur and Ran's story. 

The artwork is amazing. The plot was definitely something I did not expect and was mind-blown every time. However, the romance was slightly disappointing. It kind of felt forced between MC and Bahadur/Ran. I understand MC was supposed to be a sheltered royal but her actions and lack of personality kind of put me off. There were only two choices to choose from during the dialogues. It's either you love them or hate them; rude or super polite etc. I wish there were more options to choose from in terms of personality and interactions. Because of this , I didn't really feel much of a connection for the ROs. However, if I were to choose, Ran's story definitely pulled my heart strings a bit more than Bahadur's (I'm a sucker for angst). I also felt like the music didn't really fit some of the situations but this is rather minor. 

Although I am deeply saddened that the game has been abandoned, I hope sonnet gets better! I know making this  decision wasn't an easy choice choice. Regardless, I can't wait for future games. Hopefully more angst and a pre/post apocalypse  since there isn't much of those around TT.TT