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(1 edit)

-The player used to move faster in older builds, but I often felt he was a little too fast. I will see about adjusting it again though now that I got a better idea of how to do it!

-This was an idea that was in my mind for a while. I migghhttt make it so there's an extra button just to use Plasma. I will also try to balance the weapons more too. I forgot to add the function of Cluster Bombs to pierce through armored enemies (such as Tortoisebot hiding in shell).

-Oh yeah. This is the very first level, so it was designed to be pretty easy and to focus on the core mechanics. I had thoughts of making it harder just for this demo since it was the only stage though. The next major demo update will have plenty of stages.

-Yeah, I was gonna do something like that! Might have it so there's a button prompt showing along side the arrow.

Thanks for the feedback!!