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Chara: *your sadness awakes her* hello.....human???....exuse me, but *ahem* what are you???

*Chara gives off a rude first impression*

???: ._. -rude-

*Chara looks sorry, but also unknowing*

Chara: sorry...just....well, humans and monsters making a child is illegal, so i didnt know what you were at first, well,-

*Chara gets cut off my the appearance of a flower.....with a face*

Flowey: Howdy! im Flowey, Flowey the Flower!! im here to teach you all about the Underground!!

???: -its fine- . . ? -waves-

Chara: *you can tell she doesnt like Flowey*

Flowey: *you enter a FIGHT with Flowey*

Flowey: here in the Underground, some monsters may enter a FIGHT with you, dont let the name fool you, its ok and you wont get hurt!

Flowey: *says the rest of his bullshit lies*

Chara: dont trust him, dodge the bullets, yes, they are bullets, and dodge them

???: ._. -le dodge deh bullets-

Flowey: whats wrong? you dont want any friendship pellets?

Chara: dont trust him, dodge them again

*you dont know who to trust, but you know Flowey seems friendlier*

-she looked at the differences between meeting them-

-she met chara first and she didnt start a FIGHT when they encountered eachother-

-where flowey immediently started a FIGHT and started throwing things at her-

-lOoKs cAn bE dEcEivInG-

???: -she dodged them again

yes, yes they can

Flowey: c'mon, hit the bullets-i mean friendliness pellets!!!

Chara: im glad you trust me, not many people do. dodge them again, this should be the last time 


???: -mor dodge- -w-