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Great use of sound and 'left messages,' to build up the atmosphere and tension. I'd love to know more about the characters involved and the Lovecraftian horrors that dwell within the facility. Although not a major fan of the PS1 visual aesthetic, Hamilton created an eerie, creepy vibe throughout, that started with a slow burn and ended with a bittersweet finale. EVERYTHING IS. OK...SEND ASSISTANCE. 

Would love to see more like this - great indie horror game and would definitely recommend. 


  1. Great Build Up and tension
  2. Messages Conveyed throughout the game led to this player genuinely intrigued and wanting to find out more
  3. Sounds and overall aesthetic made a chilling and tense playing experience. 


  1. Brightness setting could be implemented. Inside the facility was a little too dark.
  2. Ending could be considered a little anti-climatic
  3. It's short! (Not really a con but wanted more, dammit!)